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Adopt A Senior Pet Month

Writer: Jennifer HoughtonJennifer Houghton

November is a month that I can really get behind on the pet event calendar. This month marks not only my favorite food holiday, Thanksgiving, but also the kick off of Adopt A Senior Pet Month.

I often tell people that my favorite type of dog is an old one. Golden years full of naps on the rug in the sun, ambles about the neighborhood, and treats and tummy rubs. Yet, the cuddly cuteness of new kittens or puppies often overtakes us. How could it not?

As you consider adding to your family, don’t forget that some of the last animals to be adopted from shelters are the seniors. Sure, the little ones are squirmy and wiggly and beyond cute, but the soul in the eyes of a dog that has reached an age of wisdom comes with some great benefits.

One of the reasons I adopted an adult dog was because I despise housebreaking. It doesn’t take forever and most pick up on it quickly enough, but I hate cleaning the carpet, the tile, the rugs. And I just wanted a dog that would already know the “rules of the road” when it came to urination. Senior pets already have that down, in most instances.

Further, you know what you are getting. Personality is on full display and often you have a complete list of the features of the model you are taking home. A win-win for the pet and for the family.

And I hear you. The old ones are more likely to have health issues. Well, let me point you in the direction of a charity that I adore: the Mr. Mo Project.

This couple, Chris and Mariesa Hughes, have made it their mission to house senior pets. And they make you a promise to cover the medical expenses for the rest of the dog’s life. It makes a great option for donations, if you like the idea. You can watch their story by clicking here.

So, keep those seniors in mind when you start looking for your next pet.


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